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Community Water Management for a Liveable London (CAMELLIA) brings together innovative science with communities and stakeholders in London to promote sustainable water management and a better environment as the city grows. It is a 5-year programme funded by the Natural Environment Research Council.​


It will do this by bringing together engineering, urban planning, and socio-economic experts with governmental and planning authorities, industry, developers, and local citizens to work together to understand the communal perception of the water system, its challenges, and common goals.

I was tasked with creating the branding for the project, creating templates for publications, and designing the website. The branding is clean and uncomplicated with a bold, limited colour palette. A simple set of visual icons was developed to allow a flexible motif to be applied across the various pieces to bring interest and storytelling to the brand. Water, weather, housing, roads, nature, and infrastructure are all represented in a smple, effective, and recognizable manner at both large and small scales.

©2020 Elzer Design Lab

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